House Among The Rocks

  • Type: House
  • Location: Tehran, Lavasan, Barg-e-Jahan
  • Client: Derakhshani Family
  • Status: Design
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Area: 250 m2
  • Architect: Mehrad Habibi , Shabnam Khezeli

The site is located on a rocky bed with a steep slope, the land is narrow with a width of 7m and a length of 30m. This villa is designed for a family of three generations who want a quiet and cozy place to relax.

Demands of the family from their favorite villa was: comfort, transparency, privacy and views of the surrounding landscape also the other spaces like: a pool, a scenic terrace, bedrooms with privacy for grandparents, parents and children or guests and so an elevator to access all stories in the house.

How to load the considered Spatial program beside the restrictions was the main challenge of the design So that the multiplicity and consequently the compactness of functional spaces does not harm the spatial quality of each part and the house in general while maintaining privacy, the perceptual communication between interior spaces, inside and outside and open spaces is preserved and beautiful sceneries around make the interior spaces glorious.

In this way two main decisions configured the general form and spatial scenario of the house: Keeping the third-floor open which is the same level with the sidewalk on the north part of the site on the highest-level which creates the entrance yard and a scenic terrace thus the third-floor completely dedicated to open and semi open spaces in order to increase the quality of indoor spaces and provide a private open space for residents.

As well the volumetric envelope retreated from the west side to provide light and views for buried spaces, the access to the main entrance on the first floor and a courtyard on the second floor in access with kitchen and dining space.

The parking, mechanical room, storage, a lift and stairs are located on the ground floor, the pool and a children/guest room with en-suite facilities on the first floor. By placement of guest room on the parking roof on the southern side and the pool on the northern side a courtyard was created in the middle of the first floor, accordingly the pool got a private space, natural light and the sky view. The access to the house is provided with a ramp on the west side of the site where the volume has retreated, after the main entrance is a small hall which is distributed towards the pool, stairs and an elevator.

The first to fourth floor are connected through voids and it leads to not only the visual and spatial continuity but also the dynamics and movement of light and shadows will flow throughout the house. On the second floor are the living room, dining and kitchen, toilet and the courtyards, due to the long length of the site and very depth, a small courtyard was considered in the middle of the house and extended to the highest level. through this middle courtyard and the west side yard the light and fresh air flows into the inner space and create an intimate space for family gatherings, cooking and friendly chats. the position of the stairs on each floor is different by this way the flow of motion created throughout the house by the stairs and the adjacent empty spaces has led to the fluidity of the interior spaces, which contrasts with the rigid exterior of the house.

As stated, the third floor, which is the same level with the northern hills is mostly an open space which includes terrace and courtyard, it provides cozy space for relaxation, catching some rays, fresh air and the scenery. The southern terrace and northern courtyard separated by the connection corridor between the second and fourth floors and gives the same access from the rooms upstairs and the living room downstairs to the mentioned open and semi open spaces.

Master bedroom and grandparents' room are also designed on the fourth floor on two opposite side, so they have the privacy and connected by the bridge-like corridor.

In this project, an attempt has been made to reduce the certainty of the boundaries between the floors as well as the spaces on each floor, Spatial and visual continuity is strengthened by the light and air flow and the house is seen as an integrated unit.

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